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CBD Liquid - Experiences on vaping cannabidiol


CBD Liquid

CBD Liquid feels similar to smoking. The product is ideal for people who want to quit smoking and are looking for a better alternative to cigarettes or tobacco. Doctors and scientists raised concerns in the 1950s when cigarettes were linked to lung cancer, bleeding disorders, heart disease, and dozens of other diseases.

Avoiding cigarettes can be very difficult, which is why many people are looking for alternatives that can satisfy the satisfaction of smoking without any health risks. There are compelling arguments that CBD liquids could help people cut down on traditional cigarettes while enjoying the health benefits of CBD.

What is CBD Liquid?

CBD Liquid is an alternative to traditional tobacco products. Since there is no nicotine in the liquid, there is no risk of addiction or dependence. Because pure CBD isolate is used, consumption is not high and cannot be misinterpreted by drug testing. To ensure the purity of the liquids, the CBD is tested by independent laboratories. CBD liquids are made with food-grade suspension liquids. These are glycerin and propylene glycol. CBD Liquid can only be consumed through what is known as vaping.

CBD consumption

The e-liquid is filled into a vaporizer, which is used to vaporize the liquid. Other methods of consumption are expressly discouraged.

What is the effect of CBD Liquid?

Even if the facts are still thin - yes, liquids are not popular in the health scene - you can assume that the effects of a liquid are similar to that of oil and Co. The bioavailability of vapors is even better than the active ingredient does not have to fight through the digestive tract.

Effects that our readers attribute to cannabidiol are, for example:

  • Pain relief (e.g. for migraines)

  • Remedies for anxiety disorders/sleep disorders

  • Support with inflammatory diseases (e.g. rheumatism)

  • Menopausal / control symptoms

  • Against the psychological effects of THC

  • Improved mood/mood

You can find more examples in numerous other articles on the portal. In summary, it can be said that the spectrum of effects of the past, even if it has not yet been adequately researched, is based on such interesting experiences that a process is always worthwhile!

The fact is: unlike THC, liquid cannabidiol does not make you high, and it can even be used for weaning.

What to look out for a while buying CBD e-liquid

The CBD e-liquids should always be from a retailer who can be trusted. The manufacturer should have just as much trust. The manufacturers who produce in the EU for the European market set different standards due to many regulations and controls, for example, a Chinese dealer. Some information is misleading as product descriptions are poorly translated. You can generally tell from the price that it is not a high dose.

CBD liquid in the test: which e-liquid works best?

Many e-liquids are adorned with the label "cannabidiol" in order to trigger a sensation and, at best, your interest in buying - but it doesn't matter if the active ingredient content is so low that you ultimately feel nothing. In the worst-case scenario, it tastes terrible too.

The Marijuana Doctor editors have tested a large part of the available CBD e-liquids and prefer, above all, a product that convinces not least through an optimal price-performance ratio. What exactly are we going to tell you?

First, the question: what exactly can a really good CBD liquid actually do?

  • It is absolutely THC- and nicotine-free and therefore ideally suited for smoking cessation, as well as for improving the addiction to marijuana.

  • It is highly dosed and taken in seconds.

  • High purity and natural taste

Smoke nicotine-free with CBD Liquid

Studies show that consuming CBD Liquid can help smokers avoid nicotine.

For example, a study by University College London found that smokers who tested CBD vaping were able to decrease the number of cigarettes consumed by 40 percent.

Similar to traditional smoking, vaping also has the usual social aspect. When the liquid evaporates, a "cloud" is created. This can make ex-smokers feel similar to smoking cigarettes.

Does CBD Liquid pose any dangers?

In 2016, the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (DGB) conducted a study to find out how the consumption of cannabis affects our lung health. The researchers come to the point that the precise classification of health risks is often difficult since cannabis is usually smoked in conjunction with tobacco. However, researchers agree that cannabis use is linked to the development of chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions, or asthma. However, the development of emphysema, lung cancer, or pneumonia was not proven in the investigations.

Experts on the consumption of CBD agree that the most efficient way of absorbing CBD is through the lungs, as the active ingredient enters the bloodstream directly through the lungs. Many consumers are even turning to use e-liquids for smoking cessation.

There is no indication of the dosage of the CBD liquid, as everyone reacts differently and also plays a role for which the active ingredient CBD is used. However, there are a few things you can do with the dosage:

  1. Start with small amounts.

It is important to start with smaller dosages, especially for beginners who are new to the effects of CBD on their own bodies. This will allow you to approach slowly and gradually increase the dosage if necessary.

      2. Slowly increase the dosage.

CBD usually takes 1-2 weeks to decide whether or not the dosage is right. Only after this time does it make sense to increase the dose if necessary.

Practical experience: What do liquid users say about the application?

There are many vapers who have had very positive experiences with CBD Liquid. It is not uncommon for health-conscious consumers to be neither smokers nor steamers but only use the vaporizer to inhale the hemp medication.

One point that can be read over and over again in field reports is the extremely fast action of the substance. Often the desired effect occurs a few minutes or even seconds after the liquid has been consumed.

The user experience reflects the usual benefits of cannabidiol:

  • Sleep disorders are alleviated

  • Instead of restlessness or even fear, there is a pleasant relaxation

  • Pain is reduced

  • The symptoms of many chronic diseases are alleviated

  • The urge for THC or nicotine is subdued

These are some positive experiences we have had in numerous reports.

It is difficult to identify possible side effects of CBD liquids. Some vapers have slight digestive problems, but these are limited to the initial phase - considering the many positive effects on the effect, so a slightly flabby stomach must definitely be overcome.

In general, the liquid is a very interesting alternative to oil. The only disadvantage is the less precise dosing. It is not easy to check exactly how much active ingredient has actually been vaporized, but in our opinion, minor deviations do not matter. If taken regularly, this calms down very quickly.

Is CBD Legal At All?

The active ingredient CBD is absolutely legal and not defined in Germany by the Narcotics Act. If the product is advertised as a dietary supplement or something similar, the sale of cannabidiol is currently patient.

However, the current legal situation has a multitude of questions and possible loopholes. There are still no court decisions that clarify this. Accordingly, some caution is required. When buying CBD liquid for vapors and e-cigarettes, keep these things in mind:

  • The CBD liquid should be THC free
  • The liquid is not described as an intoxicant
  • The Liquid Shop is located in the EU

CBD e-liquid experiences

When vaping, our reaction has next to no experience with cannabidiol liquids. We can only play what we hear from friends or read on the internet. That is why we depend on you, dear reader. Do you have any experience with CBD liquids or vapors in general?

Write us your experiences and opinions in the comments!

- My MMJ Doctor


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