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CBD effects - 8 important facts about cannabidiol effects


CBD Effects

CBD works - whether in the form of oil, drops, liquid, or so-called CBD crystals. That much is certain, but the effect has not yet been fully researched, as cannabidiol has not been used in modern medicine for too long.

So you're wondering how CBD works, and most importantly, how it can help you? The very positive reaction from science to date gives hope for positive effects, especially in cancer patients, schizophrenia, and many different autoimmune diseases. The working action of CBD has already been described in the literature, and that is exactly what is being considered today. In addition, we reveal in this article where the effects of CBD could be used helpful so far.

Why is CBD so popular now?

Here are six of the many positive effects CBD can have on people and the body:

  • It helps curb inflammatory processes.

  • Cannabidiol has positive effects on blood pressure.

  • It relaxes the body.

  • CBD helps against diabetes (type 2)

  • Cannabidiol has analgesic effects on the body.

  • It contains gamma-linolenic acid (anti-inflammatory effect)

What makes the effects of CBD so special?

It's its ingredients!

We are talking about important minerals, proteins, vitamins, and fiber, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, we find other important cannabinoids in CBD oil that cannot be produced independently by the body.

  • CBC for anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and cell renewal

  • CBD for chronic pain, cramps, migraines, arthritis and inflammation of all kinds, epilepsy, and the killing of malignant tumor cells

  • CBDA with anti-emetic effects against nausea, breast cancer, and other types of cancer

  • CBG with antibacterial effects that may even be stronger than conventional antibiotics

  • CBN with a mild, not directly perceptible, psychoactive effect for the relief of acute anxiety and panic states

It is astonishing that, despite all these demonstrable effects on the human body, studies and research have shown that the pharmaceutical industry still wants to prohibit approval as an approved drug.

Nevertheless, CBD is freely available in stores and legally, even if unfortunately (still) for your own account.

The pleiotropic effects of CBD

If you want to buy CBD, you should note that cannabidiol is a pleiotropic substance. The side effects and effects of CBD can therefore occur in a number of ways. Of course, it is not that easy for researchers to get a grip on the exact mechanism of action. However, experience so far shows that it is not psychoactive in comparison to THC and therefore does not trigger any change in consciousness - this is why CBD is also legally available for purchase on the Internet. The CBD effect has nothing to do with a feeling of intoxication caused by THC. The effect of CBD thus promises multiple therapeutic benefits.

Direct response of the serotonin receptor

Receptor Interaction Action Effect Endocannabinoid Indirectly Blocks CB-1 Reduces THC Effect Opioid Directly Imitates Opioids Reduces Anxiety & Desire Dopamine Directly Imitates Dopamine Improves Mood & Reduces Desire Serotonin Directly Imitates Anandamide Improves Mood, Reduces Anxiety & Desire

The effect between CBD and serotonin is very interesting. Cannabinoid receptors are not only found on serotonin neurons; these are also visible in what is known as inhibitory receptors.

Thus it can be stated that cannabinoids like CBD can increase or decrease the serotonin level under certain conditions. Migraine is a disease that correlates with increased serotonin levels in the brain. In this particular case, activating inhibitory receptors would be the best solution to the problem. The consumption of THC in high doses triggers the inhibition of the serotonin receptors. However, just a few puffs on the joint will make your migraines much worse. On the one hand, THC is not legal at all, and, on the other hand, it does not have a positive but negative effect on your migraines! However, CBD works differently than THC (the banned substance in the hemp plant) and can fight migraines.

Once the importance of serotonin in mood disorders and the impact of cannabinoids on serotonin production are understood, it is easy to see how the right dose of CBD can treat mental illness.

Other positive effects that can be explained by the effects on the serotonin receptor are:

  • Liberation from fear

  • reduce pain

  • Help sleep

  • Against nausea and vomiting

  • Control hunger and satiety

  • Influencing addictive behavior

How does CBD work in our body now?

Cannabidiol works in different ways. The receptors for cannabinoids are found in different places in our bodies. This explains why cannabinoids like CBD can act in different places in the body.

The binding to the cannabinoid receptors allows CBD to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, calming, antipsychotic and anxiolytic effects on our body. In addition, cannabidiol can reduce the effect of THC; for example, in the event of an "overdose", CBD can significantly weaken the effect. It does this by competing with THC's CB1 receptor. In addition, due to its antioxidant properties, cannabidiol can protect cells and genetic material from negative influences, according to initial studies, perhaps even from cancer. Thanks to its versatile effect, it is more than understandable that researchers test cannabidiol in various clinical studies on humans and want to advance research here.

Are there any negative effects of CBD?

With a 100% guarantee, it can be said that cannabidiol has no intoxicating effect, as it does not contain the active ingredient THC! Smoking cannabis with too high a CBD content can lead to some kind of poisoning as it releases a small amount of tetrahydro cannabidiol into the body.

In addition, the following mild side effects may occasionally occur:

  • Dry mouth

  • Increased tremors in Parkinson's patients

  • fatigue

  • sleepiness

How can the effects on the human body be explained?

You hardly want to believe how diverse CBD can be. However, the wide range of possible uses can be explained very easily. Humans have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) with different receptors. This system normally interacts with various other interfaces in our body. So it is responsible for how much we feel pain, how well our immune system works, or how deeply we sleep at night.

If the ECS is now activated by cannabidiol, it shows an analgesic effect, improves our sleep, and allows our immune system to work normally. CBD behaves completely differently than its "sister" THC. While THC binds to cannabinoid receptors due to its binding properties, CBD reacts completely differently and only positively in the body.

What does the CBD effect look like in our endocannabinoid system?

There are several possible explanations for why and why CBD acts the way it does in the body. One possible explanation would be that the so-called CB2 receptors in the body interact with the CBD. These are responsible for pain and inflammation reactions or processes in the immune system. CBD should also prevent the organism from breaking down anandamides, substances that are responsible for regulating pain.

This is how you also benefit from the CBD effect.

Since cannabidiol is freely available, everyone can basically benefit from it. We prefer CBD oil because it is cheaper than other variants (chewing gum, paste, capsules) and can be dosed precisely. In addition, this is the only one available in the full spectrum.

The only advantage of the effect of liquid is the better bioavailability compared to classic hemp oil.

A few experiments are required to determine the appropriate intake. There are sometimes big differences in the effectiveness and duration of the effect, so it is important to find the best degree of effectiveness for yourself.

- My MMJ Doctor


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