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Cannabis for Migraines - Does the Cannabinoid (CBD) help here?

migraines & medical marijuana

Not all migraines are created equal. There are more than 180 different types. Sometimes the headache is behind the forehead, sometimes on the back of the head. Sometimes only one part of the head is affected, hitting, stabbing, poking or knocking, etc. So it is not surprising that there is no such thing as “one” headache remedy. Nor can one answer whether and how well cannabis or certain cannabinoids work against migraines in general.

The disease, which is genetic in origin, is considered the most common headache condition in this country and even affects children.

Migraine is a brain disease in which pain-processing centers are activated, and pain-transmitting messenger substances are released. The messenger substances cause the blood vessels of the meninges to trigger sterile inflammatory reactions and, by stretching the vessel wall, trigger the pulsating, severe headache.

Concomitant symptoms of migraines are nausea, sensitivity to light, and sensitivity to intoxication.

Medical Marijuana Doctors recommend various nutrients that can improve or even prevent migraines. In addition, multiple drugs have proven themselves, and biofeedback therapy is considered an indicated form of treatment for migraines.

Cannabis for migraines - does it help?

Migraine is defined as a 4- to 72-hour, typically unilateral, pulsating headache. The strength can vary from moderate to severe. Migraines are often connected with sensitivity to light and/or noise.

The processes that lead to the development of a migraine are not yet fully understood. In addition to the factors that are already known, the focus has recently shifted to the endocannabinoid system. Clinical and experimental data suggest that dysregulation in the ECS or the lack of endocannabinoids (endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome) can trigger migraine headaches.

E.g., in a group of patients with chronic migraines, the levels of endocannabinoid anandamide are reduced. Normally, anandamide is produced in the body as needed and then broken down again by the enzyme FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase). The observation that migraineurs have too little anandamide says nothing about how this deficiency arises.

Too little anandamide may be produced. But it can also be that FAAH is too active, and the anandamide breaks down too quickly. For this reason, for example, attempts are made to block the enzyme FAAH so that it can no longer cleave the anandamide.

These processes are being intensively researched. It is important to find out if inhibiting FAAH has undesirable effects, as FAAH breaks down not only anandamide but many other molecules as well. Studies show that FAAH inhibition relieves pain and reduces inflammation. However, it is still unclear whether this will work for migraines as well.

There are still few studies that provide clear evidence of cannabis in the treatment of migraines.

However, there are a variety of patient observations that show good effectiveness in some migraineurs:

  • Depending on the survey, between 5% and 8.4% of patients said they used cannabis to treat their migraines,

  • 40.7 percent reported improvements in headaches and migraines

  • A retrospective study found that 85.1 percent of migraineurs with cannabis noticed a decrease in migraine attacks

  • 11.6 percent reported analgesic effects

The number of doctor visits due to migraines has also decreased significantly.

Unfortunately, there is still a lack of well-randomized and placebo-controlled studies to better assess the actual effects. As beautiful as the results are, the patients are “only” questioned or report about a therapy that they know what they have received from. The risk of placebo effects is very high.

However, not all positive effects are “imaginary”. Rather, studies should show for which patients cannabis therapy is suitable for migraines and which preparations are useful.

Conclusion: CBD, instead of cannabis for migraines

Because CBD oil can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks compared to products that contain THC, from the studies, however, it can be concluded that too little information is known about the dosage and the desired effect on migraines.

The frequency of seizures is reduced by ingesting CBD oil, and patients have been able to “turn off” the pulsating, pulsating headache.

Feel free to share your review with us once you have used CBD oil for migraine headaches.


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